Report the sentences use said asked (88 фото)

Report the following sentences. Going to reported Speech. Reported sentences примеры. Reported Speech sentences.
Say tell в косвенной речи в английском языке. Asked told в косвенной речи. Косвенная речь в английском упражнения. Write the sentences in reported Speech.
Spotlight 11 6c said, told asked.
Report the sentences use said asked
Requests (negative). Complete the sentences with said or told. Правило tell ask SB not comment.
Requests (negative). Complete the sentences with said or told. Кр wccuse tell not do continue.
Sequence of Tenses упражнения. Задания direct and indirect Speech. Sequence of Tenses indirect Speech. The problem of sequence of Tenses..
Английский язык direct reported Speech. Direct Speech reported Speech таблица. Direct and reported Speech правила таблица. Direct indirect Speech таблица.
Косвенная речь Worksheets. Косвенная речь в английском Worksheets. Вопросы в косвенной речи Worksheets. Косвенная речь упражнения Worksheets.
Reported Speech sentences. Rewrite the sentences in reported Speech. Rewrite the sentences using reported Speech. Sentences in reported Speech.
Direct indirect Speech упражнения. Косвенная речь exercises. Reported Speech упражнения. Reported Speech упражнения 5 класс.
Report the following sentences. Complete the sentences using the following. Английский язык complete the following sentences. The following sentences are direct Speech complete each.
Reported Speech упражнения. Reported Speech предложения. Reported Speech вопросы упражнения. Reported Speech questions упражнения.
Direct and reported Speech. Reported Speech did. Direct indirect reported Speech. Change direct Speech into indirect..
Put the sentences into reported Speech. Reported Speech предложения. Used to reported Speech. Reported Speech в английском языке 9 класс.
Косвенная речь в английском упражнения вопросы. Упражнения на косвенную речь 10 класс с ответами. Косвенная речь в английском языке упражнения с ответами. Косвенная речь 8 класс упражнения английский.
Репортед спич. Reported Statements правило. Reported Speech в английском языке 9 класс. Last week reported Speech.
Rewrite the sentences using reported Speech. She asked how many hours a Day do you watch TV В косвенную речь. Yet more and more people в косвенную речь. She says she said косвенная речь.
Rewrite the sentences in reported Speech. Rewrite the sentences using reported Speech. Rewrite the sentences using to. Rewrite in reported Speech.
Косвенная речь reported Speech. Reported Speech упражнения. Reported Speech тест. Should reported Speech.
Direct and indirect Speech. Direct into indirect Speech. Indirect Speech примеры. Direct indirect reported Speech.
Write the sentence as reported questions using. How old are you в косвенную речь. What s your name прямая речь. How old are you he asked me в косвенную речь.
Rewrite the sentences using reported Speech. Rewrite the sentences in reported Speech ответы. B. Rewrite the sentences using reported Speech.. Английский язык 8 класс тест 13 Rewrite these sentences using reported Speech.
Английский язык direct reported Speech. Таблица direct and reported Speech. Direct Speech reported Speech таблица. Direct indirect Speech таблица.
Reported Speech упражнения. Was thinking в косвенной речи. Reported Speech упражнения 5 класс. Asked в косвенной речи.
Turn the sentences into reported Speech. Turn the following into reported Speech. Reported Speech Report the sentences. Direct Speech into reported Speech.
Report the following sentences. Ex. 1.8.3 Complete the sentence using the verbs in Brackets.
Direct Speech reported Speech таблица. Reported Speech in English правило. Reported Speech правила. Reported Speech правило.
Transform the sentences into reported Speech. Transform direct Speech into reported Speech. Report the sentences. Transform these sentences into reported Speech.
Change into reported Speech. Change the following sentences into reported Speech. Change the sentences into reported Speech. Change the following sentences into reported Speech Speech.
Report the sentences using the reporting verbs below and that. Announce reporting verb. Argue complain. Use the verbs below to write instructions orders polite.
Rewrite the sentences using reported Speech. Reported Speech тест 8 класс. Reported Speech Report the sentences. Rewrite the sentences in reported Speech.
Complete the sentences закончить предложение. Complete the sentences using the following. Составить предложения reported Speech. Write the following sentences into reported Speech ответы.
Turn the sentences into reported Speech. Turn the following sentences into reported Speech. Turn the following sentences into reported Speech using appropriate. Write the following sentences into reported Speech.
Report what they said use the verbs tell explain. What do you know about. What are they doing 3 класс. What did they said ответ.
Past perfect Continuous reported Speech. Reported Speech таблица. Will reported Speech. Past Continuous reported Speech.
Turn the following sentences into reported. Turn the sentences into reported Speech. Turn the following into reported Speech. Turn the following sentences into reported Speech.
Transformational sentences. Transformational model of the sentence. Make sentences to the model 6 класс. Report the sentences according to the models с объяснениями.
Reported Statements упражнения. Reported Speech упражнения. Reported Speech speaking. Reported Speech tasks.
Report the sentences use said asked
Write the sentences in reported Speech. Write the following sentences in reported Speech 8 класс ответы. Rewrite the following Statements in reported Speech. Rewrite the sentences in reported Speech.
5 Предложений переделанная в косвенную. Rewrite the sentences using reported Speech. Rewrite the sentences in reported Speech. This Evening reported Speech.
Report the sentences use said asked
Report the following sentences. Rewrite the following sentences in reported Speech. Rewrite the following Statements in reported Speech. Write the sentences in reported Speech.
Report the sentences use said asked
Reported Speech Test 10 класс got married last year. Report the following sentences ответы 8 класс. I don't know what to do в reported Speech. Change the sentences to indirect Speech.
Complete the sentences with him her them 59.1.
Чтение текста с фото на английском. Новые тексты на английском. Чтение текста с вопросами на английском. Messages 4 student's book.
Had done в косвенную речь. What did you do перевести в косвенную речь. Last Summer в косвенной речи. Перевести в косвенную речь my.
Report the sentences use said asked
Rewrite the sentences using reported Speech. Rewrite the sentences in reported Speech. Rewrite the sentences from direct into reported Speech.. Report the following sentences.
From the inside(ex/ex+). Домашнее задание на английском языке. Вставь слова по английски. Задания по английскому" i must look after my Pet".
She (to be) a shop Assistant ответы. The shop Assistant me was asked for i what looking. Shop Assistant транскрипция. Marks said.
Read the situations and complete the sentences 9.3 ответы. Read the situations and complete the sentences 10.1 ответы. Read the situations and complete the sentences using. Read the situations and write sentences use the following verbs 7.1 ответы.
Предложения с Borrow и lend. A lot of money перевод. Get a job предложения. Lend Borrow задания.
Ответы на задание по английскому choose the correct Word. Choose the right answer ответы 1 вариант. What Day is it read the sentences write the Days 3 класс английский. Look at the Map and complete the sentences 5 класс ответы.
Reported Speech. Reported Speech в английском языке 5 класс. Reported Speech упражнения Worksheets. Going to reported Speech.
Report the sentences use said asked
Complete the sentences with the. Complete the sentences with the Words in the Box. Английский язык 3 класс write sentences. Английский язык номер 10 complete the sentences with.
Direct Speech вопросы. Английский язык indirect Speech questions. Direct indirect Speech в английском языке. Indirect questions в английском.
Сочинение на английском языке. Написать сочинение на тему путешествие на английском. Конспект на английском.
Ask questions using the Words in Brackets. Present perfect sentences. Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs in Brackets. Complete the sentences with the present perfect.
Turn the sentences into reported Speech. Turn the following into reported Speech. Turn the following sentences into reported. Put the sentences into reported Speech.
Complete the sentences ответы. Complete the sentences with the. Complete the sentences about you. Read and complete the sentences.
I complete the sentences in reported Speech.. Reported Speech sentences. Reported Speech. Change the sentence to reported Speech. Change the sentences to indirect Speech.
Direct indirect reported Speech. Indirect Speech в английском языке. Direct Speech indirect Speech. Reported Speech Модальные глаголы.
Упражнения на present sentences. Complete the sentences with a an the or no article. Complete the sentences with the. Complete the sentences ответы 4 класс.
Causative form в английском языке упражнения. Каузатив в английском упражнения. Causative form упражнения с ответами. Каузативная форма в английском.
Reported Speech. Reported Speech диалог. Speech exercises пример. Dialogue in reported Speech.
Report the sentences use said asked
Reported Speech imperative. Reported Speech повелительное. Imperative sentences reported Speech. Косвенная речь повелительное наклонение.
Complete the sentences. Complete the sentences sentences. 8 Complete the sentences. Complete the sentences ответы.
Suitable verb. Conditionals complete the sentences with a suitable verb Tense. Used to sentences. Sentences with used to.
Reported Speech в английском языке. Reported Speech правила. Reported Speech правило. Direct Speech reported Speech вопросы.
Reported Speech в английском языке. Reported Speech in English правило. Reported Speech таблица. Direct Speech reported Speech таблица.
Упражнения на Future simple 4 класс английский язык. Future simple в английском языке exercises. Future simple английский задания. Упражнения present simple Future simple 5 класс.
Reporting verbs в английском языке. Reporting verbs список. Reported verbs таблица. Reporting verbs примеры.
Direct Speech reported Speech вопросы. Reported Speech таблица вопросы. Reported Speech правило. Reported Speech правила вопросы.
Present simple 5 класс complete the sentences. Present Continuous to complete the sentences. Complete the sentences with the present perfect. Английский язык present simple or present Continuous complete the sentences.
Reported Speech. Indirect Speech Worksheets. Reported Speech Worksheets. Reported Speech задания.
Report the sentences use said asked
Past perfect reported Speech. Direct and indirect Speech Advanced. Indirect Speech: reporting verbs. Exclaimed reported Speech.
Таблица direct and reported Speech. Reported Speech в английском. Direct Speech reported Speech таблица. Английский язык direct reported Speech.
Report the sentences use said asked
Complete the sentences. Complete the sentences with the. Complete the sentences with the past simple use the Words in the Box по английскому. Complete the sentences with the have has was and were 5 класс.
Reported Speech таблица. Reported Speech правила. Reported Speech imperatives правила. Reported indirect Speech.
From the inside(ex/ex+). School's out(ex-/ex). Key Words: 8a Sunny Days. Smell-away 7x10g Cube.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in Brackets. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given правила. 6.3 Grammar номер 2 complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in Brackets. Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in Brackets.